Under the authority of the Potentate and with the approval of the entire Divan, the primary duty of the High Priest and Prophet is to promote membership in our great fraternity. As such, he coordinates all membership activities with the Membership Chairman, all Units, Shrine Clubs and Nobles at Large to increase membership.

The various functions that work toward the goal of increased membership and for which the High Priest and Prophet is responsible are:

Moslah hosts both a spring and fall party that allows our Nobles and their guests to become acquainted with our membership.

Moslah hosts a fun filled post-TSA get-together for all Nobles and guests.

Casino Trip:
Moslah hosts a fun-filled trip to a casino each year for members and guest.

Our Ceremonials are held to allow a Master Mason to enter into the Shrine. The Arch Program is part of the Ceremonial that allows not just new Nobles, but family and friends alike to see the history of Masonry, the Shrine and its World’s Greatest Philanthropy in a stage production. This is indeed a very moving presentation.

Parade of Lights:
The Fort Worth Parade of Lights is an opportunity for Moslah’s Units and Divan to participate in the opening of the Holiday Season and make its presence known in the community.

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