Welcome to Moslah Shrine

A Century of Fun, Fellowship, and Philanthropy

Shriners come from all walks of life. We are tradesmen and professionals, salesmen and CEOs. We are fathers, uncles and son.

Most of all, we are also Brothers.


Click here to visit Web Fez Coffee Company

Illustrious Sir Gary Mayben

Moslah Shriners 2025 Potentate

Welcome to Moslah Shrine!

With our 12 units, 9 clubs, and 2 associations we have something for everyone. We offer a choice of three different motorized units, on two wheels or four. We have two different band units, from our traditional Band Unit with its Stage, Dance, German, and Dixieland bands to the more exotic sound and marching of our Bedouin Oriental band. Our Patrol is a traditional military marching unit, and our Directors have the ability to conquer any task that requires artistic or building skills. The award-winning Moslah Shrine Clowns will keep you in stitches with their antics, and if golf is your game, well we have some of the best golfers in Shrinedom!

Our Flying Fez Association takes on the task of transporting patients of our Shriners Hospitals for Children to our two hospitals in Houston and Galveston, Texas and our hospital in Shreveport, Louisiana, while our Legion of Honor Association is an organization exclusively for our country’s veterans, and supports our Shrine Center with the duties of presenting our country’s colors whenever needed.

Our Shrine clubs vary from our regional clubs, whose purpose is to provide a social as well as philanthropic presence in outlying areas of our jurisdiction, to our Gun Club, whose purpose is proficiency with a shotgun for competitive purposes.
All of our units and clubs support Moslah Shrine with its support of Shriners Hospital for Children.
For more information on our units, clubs, and associations, please visit our “Units & Clubs” page.

Once again, welcome to Moslah Shrine!

Latest News, Events and More!

2024 Fall HFD

Posted: July 30, 2024

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Our home

The Fort Worth Masonic Temple

Home of many Masonic organizations and lodges in the Fort Worth Area

Masonic Lodges

Fort Worth Masonic Lodge #148, AF&AM
Julian Field Masonic Lodge #908, AF&AM
Cooke-Peavy Masonic Lodge #1162, AF&AM
Panther City Masonic Lodge #1183, AF&AM

York and Scottish Rite

Fort Worth Scottish Rite Valley
Texas Chapter #362, Royal Arch Masons
Texas Council #321, Royal and Select Masters
Worthy Commandery #19, Knights Templar

Youth Organizations

H. Malven Marks Chapter, Order of DeMolay
Fort Worth #15, The International Order of Rainbow Girls

Shriners and Grotto

Moslah Shriners
El Texa Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R.

Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America

The Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (also known as LOSNA) members are bound by their goal to promote sociability, good fellowship and the betterment of all ladies connected with the organization. The ladies actively support Shriners Hospitals for Children through a variety of fundraising activities, as well as providing handmade quilts and surgery gowns, toys, games and books for patients. For additional information please visit the website at : https://www.ladiesorientalshrine.org

Daughters of the Nile

Daughters of the Nile was founded in 1913 and is open to ladies 18 years of age or older, who are related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason, or Daughter of the Nile; or a Majority Member in Good Standing of a Masonic-related organization for girls; or who was a patient, with or with out Shrine or Masonic relationship, at a Shriners Hospitals for Children. For additional information please visit the website at Rithmah No. 93 Daughter of the Nile

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